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Eileen Holland

Age Level: 18 and up

This is a Wiccan e-list for adult witches who are interested in Open-Sesame (

Discussions will center on topics of interest to Wiccans'  Wicca, different traditions, witchcraft the Goddess, spirituality, mythology, herbalism, pathworking, freedom of religion, etc. I'll try to post site updates to the list too.

Pagans of every right hand path are welcome, as is everyone else who comes with an open mind, a cheerful soul, and something interesting to contribute.

Absolutely no black magick, satanism or negativity, racism, sexism, homophobia, intolerance of diversity, whining, insults, etc.) will be tolerated.

If you think witches actually fly, spells can change your eye color, or there is only one god and he's male, this is definitely not the right e-list for you.

The rules of conduct on the list are that NO discussion of black magick will be tolerated. No rudeness to other members. And most importantly, NO discussion of personal problems will be tolerated. Unless they are questions pertaining to what kind of spells, rituals, deities  etc.....that can be used to help with a certain problem. This is not a list to discuss personal problems or illnesses. We are not counselors or professionals in the field of depression, suicide,  nor are we   marriage counselors...etc...
Though we do care about everyones problems, we all have them and that is not what this list is for. It is to promote the POSITIVE, thru magick. If you learn Positive thinking through magick, you can work your personal problems out on your own. That is the focus of this list.
And this would be  impossible if everyone is dwelling on the negative.Anyone you want to write to about your personal problems, do so PRIVATELY.
These rules are not open for discussion. These are the rules.
Ignoring these rules will result in your being banned. And of course, you will not be considered for any future Year and a Day Programs.

Eileen and Cerelia


To subscribe:


List owner:


Anyone accepted into the year and a day program must have been on the Open Sesame Mailing list for six months prior to acceptance.

The Next class of dedicants is now full.
We will then have 3 dedicant classes going on within each year.

After completing your six months on the mailing list and you feel that you are ready to dedicate yourself, contact Cerelia at Post a letter stating what you know about Wicca and Witchcraft, your feelings and thoughts. Include what books you have read. A decision by Cerelia will then be made as to who will be accepted into the next dedicant's class.

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Wicca was traditionally taught one-on-one in covens, with instruction and initiation by a priest/ess of the opposite gender. The rapid growth of Wicca, especially into countries where it did not previously exist, has made it difficult or impossible for new witches to get mentoring from experienced witches. There are also many solitary novices who do not wish to join covens but need a forum in which to seek advice from fellow witches. We have therefore decided to begin an experimental program on this e-list.

A year and a day is the traditional period of study, from dedication to initiation. This is a serious program, not something to undertake lightly. Integrity and personal responsibility are hallmarks of Wicca, so you will be expected to meet all deadlines and supervise your own progress. No one is going to make you a witch, you are going to earn that position. List members will help you learn, not teach you. Witches must be literate, but don't worry if English isn't your first language, everyone will understand.

This is a Wiccan program everyone in it will embrace the Law of   'harm none.' 
No one under the age of 18 will be accepted in the program.

Program Outline

1. Subscribe to the e-list. Post a note introducing yourself to the other members. You must be on this list for six months before applying to the Year And A Day Program.

2. Write a letter explaining why you want to be Wiccan, what you already know about the Craft and the religion, what you have been reading, etc. Include your age, and what country or state you live in. Send this to Cerelia at You MUST be eighteen to participate.If you seem serious and sincere you will receive an invitation to join the program.

3. After you have been accepted and received a letter of acceptance from Cerelia, you will receive the date that you will begin your dedication. Following is what is expected of each dedicant to complete their Year And A Day.

Write a personal dedication to the Goddess and post it on the List at the new moon.Below your signature line write "First Moon Dedicant", In traditional Wicca you are entitled to call yourself a witch from that point onward. Use the___Moon Dedicant tag line on every post you make to the list (updating the number every month) so everyone can track your progress.

4. Write a report on your progress to date and post it to the List every new moon. Missing a filing bounces you from the program.

5. Use the list to ask questions and advice when you need to. Read all the posts, including the archives, so that questions are not duplicated. Use the Chat Room to meet for discussions and conversation.

6. Midway, on the fifth or sixth new moon, choose one aspect of the Craft or the religion to be the focus of your studies: Aztec mythology, runes, rituals, candle magic, making wands, Faery Wicca, the Burning Tiems or whatever. Tell us what you chose, and why in your next new moon post. It should be something you are very interested in, since you will have to submit a formal paper on it for your 13th new moon posting.

7. Anyone submitting an unacceptable final report will be given two additional new moons to revise it.

8. Dedicants who successfully complete this program can consider themselves initiated. All final reports will be archived for members, perhaps the start of a collective Book of Shadows.
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