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"The Witches' New Year"

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You may be surprised to hear that Jan.1st. is not the Witches' New Year!
It comes in October, the very end of the month. With Jack-o-Lanterns, Black Cats, and our ancestors  helping us to welcome it in.
We celebrate it on October 31st. My favorite Sabbat.
It is not evil, but a joyous celebration of the final harvest.
And celebrating the lives of those we loved who are now deceased.

It is seen as the symbolic death of God. It is a time when the veil is the thinnest between the worlds, and our departed loved ones are honored.
We decorate our homes, and delight in seeing the littles ones, (and big ones! ) dressed up and running the streets with delight.
I have gotten some fairly "big" kids lately, but I think it's great.

Here are some ways to celebrate and decorate your home and altar for this wonderful Sabbat.

Of course, we must start with the Jack-O-Lantern. If you make a scary face, they are said to scare away evil spirits. If you do a friendly face, it is said you
are welcoming the spirts of your deceased family and friends.

Another way to celebrate is to place a plate at the dinner table in honor of a  deceased family member or friend. Inviting him or her to share this special night with you.

Don't forget to decorate your altar for the holiday.  You can also add pictures of your deceased family or friends.
Remember, this is not morbid. You are celebrating their lives!


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