Sabbats and Esbats
Observing the Sabbats and Esbats is the way of becoming Wiccan and honoring the God/dess.

These are the eight celebrations of life. We honor the Lord and Lady and observe the moving of the Wheel of the Year.
These are the eight festivals that most observe. but they may not reflcet the views of witches everywhere.

The Sabbats

October 31st
This is the "Witches New Year". We honor the final harvest. It is seen as the death of God. It is a time when the veil is the thinnest between the worlds. And our departed loved ones are honored. This is my favorite Sabbat.

Yule, or the Winter Solstice
December 21st
This Sabbat is seen as the rebirth of God, and is a joyous celebration.

February 1st or 2nd
This is the Sabbat of the Lady in Waiting. We honor the virgin Goddess preparing for God. We prepare for the coming of spring and the promise of what is to come.

Ostara, or the Spring Equinox
March 21st
This is the beginning of spring and starts the courtship between the Lord and the Lady

May 1st
This Sabbat is in honor of the Great Marriage, or the Great Rite. This is a celebration of life in every form. Now we find the joy in the fact that the Lord and the Lady have found each other.

Midsummer, or the Summer Solstice
June 21st
This Sabbat is truly in honor of the God. A time when the sun is at it's peak, and the power of God is at it's greatest strength. Great magickal power takes place at this time. The Lady is filling and the Lord is most joyous.

August 1st or 2nd
A festival of thanks for the first harvest. The harvest of grain. This is the time we honor the Goddess and God for the gifts we have received. Now we reap what we have sown.

Mabon, or the Fall Equinox
September 21st
This is the time for the celebration of the Second Harvest of vines and ale. At this Sabbat the Lady grows full, as the God watches over all. We now prepare for winter and the final harvest. This is the time when the Lady is growing and getting near birth. And the "death" of God is nye.


The Esbats or Lunar Festivals
The Esbat or Lunar Festival is a celebration done thirteen times a year, primarily in honor of the Goddess. The Esbat is celebrated during the Full Moon. This includes the three days before and the three days after.
It is during the waxing of the actual Full Moon that most positive magick is done. It is when the moon is full that both the Lord and Lady are honored. To make it clear, when using the words positive and negative, positive meaning to attract or gain. Negative meaning to banish or detract.
So to further explain, positive magick would be done during the waxing (increase) of the moon. Negative magick would be done during the waning (decrease) of the moon.
Personally, I use candle magick with the Esbats. I find it a very powerful time, and my spells take on and grow with each Full Moon.

The following is a list of names (some witches) name for each Full Moon.

January.................Wolf Moon
February...............Storm Moon
March...................Chaste Moon
April......................Seed Moon
May.......................Haze Moon
June.......................Dyad or Pair Moon
July........................Mead Moon
August...................Wyrt Moon
September.............Barley Moon
October.................Blood Moon
November..............Snow Moon
December..............Oak Moon
Variable................Blue Moon

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