The Altar and Tools
Setting up an altar is a way to help
train your mind to focus. To focus on the magick you are learning to work with. An
altar can be so simple, or very elaborate, whichever you prefer.
If you feel odd at first about having an altar in the open, then just use a portable
altar. Though the feeling an altar can bring to your home is a very relaxing and
beautiful feeling.
I think when you are raised catholic, you are more comfortable with an altar in your
room, so just go with whatever feels right.
You can even set up some candles and a few statues or flowers and no one would even
know it represented your altar.
Some do have to worry about things being out in the open. I wish I could say these
worries are unfounded. but some cannot afford the reprisals of being so outspoken
and therefore must hide until a proper time presents
itself. Never out of shame, but only because there is too much prejudice out there to
have to deal with.
So set up your altar with all of these tools listed below, or just a few things, and
keep the others in a drawer or cabinet until time for use.
Remember, have FUN. Half the fun is collecting the tools that you will be using. And
NO, you don't have to run out and buy all these things. Be imaginative, the most power
comes from what you have made with your own hands. If you want to go out and spend a lot
of money. Go ahead. But do not feel you have to. It is not necessary. Nor do you have to
have everything from day one. Take your time. Enjoy your search.
What is the most powerful tool you as
a Witch must have?
a powerful mind.
Learning to discipline your mind, is
the most important tool you will ever have. The rest of the tools listed below, are tools
that aid your mind. To help switch the awareness of everyday life, into a magickal
So yes, at some point, you may find that you do not need the tools anymore. Some can
just use their mind, and visualize what they need.
Some are naturals at this, and have
never used tools.
Or some after a certain period of time, feel no need for them, or use them only on
Sabbats or special rituals.
The bottom line is that tools are meant to be enjoyed and used. So enjoy the fun of
finding them or making them yourself.
The Athame
the athame is the most misunderstood
and the hardest to become comfortable with, for a new Witch. Usually, because knives in
bring on a feeling of fear and danger.
Nothing could be further from the truth in Witchcraft. An athame or magickal knife is
used for raising energy during your spells or rituals
It is usually a dull knife, doubled edged (if you can find one) with either a very dark or black handle. It is considerd the element of fire.
A sword is also sometimes used. But of course, not as handy using it as a small knife. It is a tool commanding change.
Their is also a white handled knife called a boline. It is used for practical purposes such as cutting herbs or branches to make wands. You can also use it to inscribe on your candles for rituals.
The Pentacle
The pentacle is the five pointed star enclosed by a circle. In Wicca the element of earth is represented. And you can also use it to summon the Gods and Goddesses. It represents the element of Earth.
One way to remember is that, a pentacle
is made of different elements.
Silver, Gold, Wood, etc...
You could wear a pentacle.
A pentagram is drawn onto a surface.
The Broom
No Witches don't fly on them, but they
do serve a very useful magickal purposes. The broom has been in the history of many
civilizations and was used for the purpose of protection against evil .
So the broom is steeped in mystery and magick even in this day.
One of its uses is symbolic, used in the magickal way, by sweeping a magickal area or
circle. Never touching the floor.
Since it is used to cleanse an area it is considered an element of water.
Your magickal broom should be used for
this purpose only.
Hanging a broom on your front and back door is one way to keep evil and negativity
out of your home.
I decorate mine to either coincide with the season or a Sabbat.
Giving them for handfasting (wedding gifts) is common.
The Wand
Conjuring images of wizards and their
wands is quite a colorful vision. The wand has been used for many years in magickal
What this tool is used for is to envoke.
To ask for the help of the God/dess throughout whatever ritual you may be performing.
Some use the wand to draw circles on the ground or stir their cauldrons.
The wand represents the element of Air.
Some woods are used more than others to
make your wand.
Some suggested wood is, apple, elder, willow, oak, hazel , cherry and others.
But really any type of wood will do....decorated with your own imagination.
The Censer
Incense burner is all that this is. It
can be very elaborate, or very simple.
You can use insence sticks or cones. In a variety of fragrances, that have
their own magickal meaning. Or which have magickal meaning to you.
It represents the element of Air.
The Cauldron
What conjurs up more pictures of a
Witch than a cauldron.
It use to be used as a cooking vessel filled with magickal herbs and brews.
It represents the element of water.
Cauldrons can be very hard to find. I have seen them very very large, out in yards, to
very small. I have a medium one myself. It stands on three legs.
Mine is cast iron and approved for (eating, what you cook in it). If that is what your are
intending to do. Nice to know.
Cauldrons are also used for burning spells, or scrying, which is filling it full of water, and seeing what images come to you out of the water.
The Goblet or Cup
You can use this either to drink during
a ritual, or fill it with water which is often put on the altar. As a representation
of the element. It can be very simple, as just a glass from your home that you
particularly like, or very elaborate on a stem made of gold, crystal etc... It is your
personal choice.
Just because something is made of gold, doesn't give it anymore power than a glass that
you found at a flea market and thought was quite beautiful. This is how it is with any
It is not what it is made of. For you could make it yourself, and it would be even more
powerful because it was made with your own hands.
The Bell
If you think about what happens when you ring a bell you will discover how the vibrations linger in the air and have a very powerful effect on psyche.
The bell is a feminine symbol. It can be used at the beginning, middle and marking the end of the ritual. It can be any type of bell, so have fun choosing one that speaks to you.
Also remember, that if you buy a tool
used, do a cleansing and consecration step.
The tool may still be filled with old associations of a previous owner.
Cleanse them carefully in cool water. And then you can bury them in the ground (earth) or
buried in sea salt.
Or leave them overnight in the moonlight.
Use what is appropriate for the tool. Don't damage the tool.
Many Witches have different ways to cleanse and consecrate.
Take time choosing your tools. There is no hurry. It's fun getting your tools together and setting up your altar.